Optimize SSD and Defrag Hard Drives from Command Prompt

SSDdrivesarenotoptimizeinthesamemannerasaHardDiskDrive(HDD).HarddisksaredefragmentedusingtheOptimizefeatureinWindows ...,新的Win102004版似乎有這問題.為了避免SSD壽命提早耗盡,關閉磁碟最佳化(服務OptimizeDrivers).上網搜尋關鍵字「win102004SSD」可以找...。參考影片的文章的如下:


SSD drive optimize

SSD drives are not optimize in the same manner as a Hard Disk Drive (HDD). Hard disks are defragmented using the Optimize feature in Windows ...

避免SSD損壞,Win10 關閉磁碟最佳化(服務Optimize Drivers )

新的Win10 2004版似乎有這問題. 為了避免SSD壽命提早耗盡,關閉磁碟最佳化(服務Optimize Drivers ). 上網搜尋關鍵字「win10 2004 SSD」可以找到相關 ...

為Windows 11 優化SSD 的13 種方法

3)兩個比一個好管理SSD 上數據量的最簡單方法是使用兩個或更多驅動器。保留用於操作系統和Microsoft Office 應用程序的主SSD(C:/驅動器)。然後將其他應用 ...

Best Practices for Optimizing an SSD

SSDs perform better when they have plenty of free space. Try to keep at least 10-15% free space at all times.

Best Practices for Optimizing an SSD

SSDs perform better when they have plenty of free space. Try to keep at least 10-15% free space at all times.

Disk Optimization defragments SSD drive on Windows

The SSD drive on my Windows computer is defragmented when I run disk optmization. This article provides more information on Disk Optimization.


如何最佳化SATA SSD?安裝新的SATA 固態硬碟(SSD)前後都進行些微調整,就能獲得高於系統與SSD升級本身帶來的效能提升。本文章中Crucial為您介紹與SSD實體安裝及BIOS/UEFI ...

6 easy tweaks that maximize your SSD's performance

6 easy tweaks that maximize your SSD's performance · 1. Update the firmware · 2. Increase the DRAM cache · 3. Schedule routine optimizations · 4. Use ...

How to Optimize SSD Performance in Windows 10 or 11

Optimize Your SSD on a Schedule · 1. Search for “Defrag” and click Defragment and Optimize. How to Optimize SSD Performance in Windows 10 or 11.

7 ways to optimize an SSD for longevity and performance

7 ways to optimize an SSD for longevity and performance · 7 Enable TRIM · 6 Disable indexing · 5 Update firmware · 4 Enable write caching · 3 ...


SSDdrivesarenotoptimizeinthesamemannerasaHardDiskDrive(HDD).HarddisksaredefragmentedusingtheOptimizefeatureinWindows ...,新的Win102004版似乎有這問題.為了避免SSD壽命提早耗盡,關閉磁碟最佳化(服務OptimizeDrivers).上網搜尋關鍵字「win102004SSD」可以找到相關 ...,3)兩個比一個好管理SSD上數據量的最簡單方法是使用兩個或更多驅動器。保留用於操作系統和MicrosoftOffice應用程序的主SSD(C:/驅動器)。然後將其他...